Welcome to the Warwick Community Kitchen
a Mission of Vision Community Church

Started by Victoria Garloch in November 2011 as a Girl Scout Gold Award Project, the Warwick Community Kitchen serves monthly hot meals to families or individuals in need of a meal or in need of fellowship with their neighbors.
Never in my dreams did I think that the Warwick Community Kitchen would have stayed around for almost 9 years come November! The school district has asked for the building back, so therefore the WCK is no longer able to run our dinners. We are hoping that we are able to reopen by this time next year in 2021, but there is nothing confirmed as we are all dealing with COVID-19 and its unfortunate effects on everybody's lives.
I would like to say thank you to all of the volunteers, the different organizations, but most of all our guests for making the WCK such a great success. Over the last 9 years we have all become a family! I am truly heartbroken that we are being asked to close down especially during the middle of a pandemic, because I know so many of our guests need the extra help right now because of financial hardships. Please know that even though we are no longer hosting our dinners, if you ever need something please do not hesitate to reach out, and we will do our best to help you or get you in contact with someone who can.
You have all truly made such an impact on my life and made lasting memories that I will cherish forever. If we are indeed able to open again in 2021 we will let everyone know and I hope that you are all able to come and enjoy the dinners as a family once again!
Special thanks to our selfless volunteers that came every single month for the past 9 years:
Jim and Donna Scheuermann, Carrie, Dave, and Rebecca Garloch, Damon, Lynsey Quackenbush, Mark and Patty Glasse and family, Glenn and Susan Dickes, the Torres family, Elizabeth and Sara Higgins, Debbie and Sandy Scheuermann, Dixie Putkowski, the Birch family, the McCormicks and the many other volunteers that have been with us throughout the last 9 years. As well as our many guests that have been with us since the beginning in November of 2011, I will miss everybody dearly. But this is not a goodbye, rather a see you soon!
Victoria Garloch: Founder and Co-Program Director of Warwick Community Kitchen
and the rest of the WCK team!
The next dinner will be TBD 2021 from 5:00 - 7:00 pm.
Click on the Plate Above to see when the Next Dinners are.
Click on the Picture Above to Learn how to Become a Sponsor.
Click on the Picture Above for More Information about Empty Bowls.
Click on the Picture Above to See the Photo Gallery.
Thank You!
Thank you to Guy Bogart and Warwick Sanitation for continuing to donate our waste removal services.

Thank you to all of the sponsors and volunteers who have continued to support us these past years. We would not have reached our 8th Anniversary without you!!
Little Free Library and Rolling Library
Sara H. Girl Scout Silver Award
On Friday, August 18, 2017, Sara H. of Girl Scout Troop 171 held a Grand Opening of a Little Free Library and Rolling Library at the dinner of the Warwick Community Kitchen, for her Girl Scout Silver Award. Little Free Libraries are a global phenomenon. The small, front‐yard book exchanges number 36,000 around the world in 70 countries — from Iceland to Tasmania to Pakistan. Now, a new Little Free Library outside of the former Pine Island Elementary school at 20 Schoolhouse will join the movement to share books, bring people together and create communities of readers. Sara also opened up a Rolling Library during the monthly Warwick Community Kitchen Dinners. Sara along with her Project Adviser, Victoria Garloch, Program Director of the Warwick Community Kitchen worked together to not only have the Little Free Library available outside of the building, but to also have a Rolling Library with more book choices available to the guests that come to the monthly dinners. There are books for all ages and in English and Spanish. Guests can borrow a book and bring it back during the next month's dinner and exchange it for a different one. Sara is very excited to share her love of books with her community!
Content used with permission of Little Free Library, LTD.
Click on the Little Free Library Picture below to be directed to the Little Free Library Map!
Content used with permission of Little Free Library, LTD.
Click on the Little Free Library Picture below to be directed to the Little Free Library Map!
Exciting News!!!
Warwick Community Kitchen founder, Victoria Garloch, is the Hudson Valley Hero in the September 2014 issue of Hudson Valley Magazine. Click on the picture to the left or on the link below to read the article. Victoria - we could not be more proud of you!! We and your community thank you for all you have done. http://www.hvmag.com/Hudson-Valley-Hero/September-2014/Victoria-Garloch-Founder-of-Warwick-Community-Kitchen/ |
The Warwick Community Kitchen is a Member Agency with the Food Bank of the Hudson Valley. It is a branch of the Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York and a member of Foodbank America, the national food bank network.
Click on the picture to the left to go to the Food Bank website or to make a donation on behalf of the Warwick Community Kitchen. |
Street Address:
Vision Community Church
at the former Pine Island Elementary School
20 Schoolhouse Road
Pine Island, New York 10969
Mailing Address:
Warwick Community Kitchen
24 Welling Avenue
Warwick, NY 10990